Showing: 931-940 of 3699 results

Teambuilding and Leadership: Why a College Curriculum Includes a Camp Experience

Why would the University of Denver require that every graduate business student go to camp? What possible good would derive from forcing predominantly urban dwelling professionals to go off in the...

Camp Is Not School (No Tests, Judgment, or Evaluation): An Excerpt from Homesick and Happy

Dear Colleagues, For the past thirty years, I have consulted to independent and public schools all over the United States, as well as to international schools. My work has given me a...

Building Character: A Central Organizing Theme for Camps

The “Game” It is week three of camp. One of your division leaders comes to you to report an incident that has occurred in one of the twelve-year-old cabins. Three boys were playing a “game” that...

20/20 Toolbox: The Academic Edge: Connecting Camp with Education

For years, camp professionals have touted the idea that camp is “a classroom without walls.” While models of camps connecting with education — such as school field trips or teaching environmental...

Risk Management: Ideas to Think About

I’ve been sorting through the piles of “stuff” on my desk. One of these was a stack of camp health ideas, incidents, and resources pertaining to topics that occasionally come up. These aren’t...

From Art

The 2012 ACA National Conference will be held in Atlanta. My first national conference was in 1974 in Atlanta, so for me, returning to the same city thirty-seven years later brings back a flood of...

Unpacking Summer: Camp's Lease Hath All Too Short a Date

After the last marshmallow has roasted, the last sunset has sunk, and the last tear has dried, the aftermath of a summer at camp often reveals itself in, well, less than expected ways. Sure, there’s...

Current Challenges in Camp Food Service

Hesitation gave way to excitement as I unexpectedly grabbed the reigns of food service management, in the dripping, humid heat of a Texas summer camp season. Nine years had passed since I last served...

Child Sexual Abuse: Liability Issues Revisited

Introduction We and others have written previously for the American Camp Association (ACA) on matters pertaining to child sexual abuse and neglect. As long as even one child is the victim of abuse...

Alternative Businesses for Camps: Promoting and Testing on the Web

The Web continues to make it faster, easier, and cheaper to test out new offerings. Your core business may seem secure for now, and your camp may have valuable assets accrued over time, but it is...