Showing: 921-930 of 3699 results

Risk Management: A Letter to Camp Staff

Dear camp staff, Welcome to the world of camp! Each of us — no matter what our specific job might be — is in a position that will influence the health and wellbeing of campers. Sometimes this will...

A Burgeoning World of Camp Research

Roughly thirty years ago, I packed in an urban-based career and founded a summer camp in central Ontario just north of the city of Toronto. Still, I continue to seek a fuller understanding of camp...

Let’s Be Friends: A Paradoxical Approach to Bullying Prevention

Despite years of study and progressive program development, bullying behaviors (or “peer mistreatment”), especially among school-aged children, remain a significant public health problem, says the...

Building Principles: “That’s Not MY Job . . .”

“To you much has been given, and from you much is required.” Beyond their Biblical roots, these are certainly words for everyone to live by. Whether part of the year-round or seasonal staff, everyone...

When Staff MESH Impacts Camp

Everyone has a mental, emotional, social health (MESH) profile. For most of us, our MESH profile is within a “normal” range. Some days are better than others. Some things push our buttons, others don...

A Place to Share: “Camp” Skills Are “Real” Skills

In my final few weeks of college, I spent a lot of time working on resumes. Or, more specifically, I spent a lot of time working on one resume — over and over again. A resume shouldn’t be too...

A Place to Share: What You Will Get Out of the National Conference . . .

My first ACA national conference was in 2007, in Austin, Texas. What an incredible experience! Around 1,000 camp professionals congregated in the same place to talk about what we love. There were...

An Interview with Richard Louv: Using the Nature Principle and Camps to Reduce Nature-Deficit Disorder — for Children and Adults

What progress have you seen in the movement to connect children and nature since you wrote Last Child in the Woods in 2005? Last Child didn’t create the children...

The Intersection of Camp with the Traditional School Experience: Improving Student Achievement and Engagement

In tears, a camper shares: “Camp is such a big part of me . . . I grew up here; I found out who I am here; I have spent my childhood here; I figured out my values here; and now I know I can do...

Teaching Happiness — Positive Emotions Are Skills to Be Learned

Christine Carter, PhD, will be giving a keynote address at the 2012 ACA National Conference. Carter is the author of Raising Happiness: 10 Simple Steps for More Joyful Kids and Happier Parents...