Showing: 661-670 of 3699 results

Ten Things Your Multi-Year Staff Aren't Telling You

Camp administrators rely on seasonal staff for leadership and support, but do you really know what makes them tick?  From wanting trust and freedom to valuing the mistakes the director makes,...

Noticing Deficit Disorder - How Camp Can Restore The Art of Seeing the World

We are in the midst of an epidemic of visual impairment no medical doctor can fix — but which camps might cure. Back in the `60s, artist, researcher, and psychologist Rudolf Arnheim (1969) lamented...

The Boy in the Boat: Life Lessons Learned at Camp

Ben was the boy in the boat. A gregarious go-getter whose journey through camp — and to adulthood — was inextricably linked to sailboats on the water. The lessons he learned at camp originated from,...

Strategies for Staff Recruitment and Retention

Compare the salaries, wages, and benefits you are providing to your full-time and seasonal staff using ACA's camp salary and compensation research reports.  Make sure YOUR camp is...

Tips for Providing Academic Internships at Camp

Bullying Prevention - Camps Take a Stand

Bullying prevention is one of five hot topics on the minds of camp staff. To help address this issue,the American Camp Association, in collaboration with Dr. Joel Haber, is pleased to...

Tax Incentives for Camps Who Hire Veterans

In 2001, Congress enacted a new law that amends the Internal Revenue Code.  Named the VOW to Hire Heroes Act - it includes tax credits for businesses that hire unemployed veterans. The law...

Public Lands Use - Resources for Camps

Use of public lands and waters is essential for many camp programs.  It is estimated that at least 9 percent of all camps use public lands and waters for at least a portion of their...

2015 Camping Magazine Editorial Index

View an archive of editorial indexes. Featured Articles ACA’s Raise the Bar Initiative: Capturing the...

Healthy Teens

ACA is committed to promoting healthy lifestyles for youth.  In conjunction with its "Partnering With Parents" initiative, the American Camp Association is pleased to present a series...