Showing: 591-600 of 3699 results

Nature Noticing Excursions: Making Connections at Camp through Seeing, Story, and Drawing

In the November/December 2015 issue of Camping Magazine, I wrote about a phenomenon I called Noticing Deficit Disorder (NDD), a culturally induced form of vision...

The Power of an Inspiring Visual Arts Program

Picture ziti pasta shells strung into a necklace with yarn or glued onto flimsy paper. Think back to dried leaves and flowers cracking and falling off of cardboard squares, or paint peeling off of...

How Special Needs Camping Has Impacted the Camp Experience

"Camping is an activity that has been embraced by humanity because it's fun and it brings people, especially families, together," said Dr. Tom Zellers, a professor of pediatric cardiology at UT...

Where Can We Find the Money?

I really want a new (insert here: archery range, campership fund, pirate ship for the waterfront). My (insert here: camper fees, organization's budget, personal bank account) does not support this....

Putting Sustainability into Practice: Simple Strategies to Implement at Camp

Next to national, state, and municipal parks, camps manage some of our most important natural resources. Camp settings not only introduce children to natural resources, build their skills to recreate...

From Tish - January 2016

I would like to personally invite you to attend the 2016 ACA National Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, February 9–12. Envision — to think of something that you believe might...

Risk Transfer: Managing Additional Insured Relationships

Camp directors may have questions about what it means to be an additional insured on a general liability insurance policy, when to ask a third party for additional insured status in favor of your...

Feeding Camper Creativity with Food Service Supplies

The camp food service operation is sometimes asked to get involved with food and nonfood-related program offerings, so it makes sense that classes and activities be designed to include the non-edible...

Welcome to Atlanta

Although we as camp professionals are fully aware of the joy of camp and get to experience it with those campers and staff members we serve, we're never completely free to truly experience camp for...

Preparing for Risks for Summer

Presenter: Michael Swain Being prepared for risks a camp may face during the summer is an important component of a good risk management strategy. Understanding historical trends and...