Showing: 1911-1920 of 3700 results

A Meeting of the Minds: Camp Directors, Higher Ed, and College Students

Camps need staff to run their programs; colleges/universities have various requirements for students regarding coursework and internships; and students are usually pulled between what they want to do...

Expanding the Impact of Camp: From Individual Lives to Societal Change

This article is part of Camping Magazine’s series on inclusion, identifying and exploring both big picture and on-the-ground actionable pathways for application through participant...

Building an Army of Asking Ants

Ant colonies have been used throughout history as models of industry. As a collective, ants are efficient, surprisingly intelligent, and are among the very few animals that organize themselves to...

A New Year, a New Approach to Evaluation

Greetings camp evaluators, and Happy New Year! The year 2018 brings with it a chance to try things or look at things you are currently doing with a fresh set of eyes. Yes, of course, I am talking...

Introducing an Exciting Expansion of ACA's 5-Year Impact Study: Camp Staff Experiences

The 5-Year Impact Study's recent expansion focuses on if and how camp staff experiences prepare emerging adults for college, career, and life success.

Gen-Y At Camp: How to Understand, Manage, and Increase Resiliency in Millennial Camp Staff

Gen·er·a·tion Y (noun): Generation Y; plural noun: Generation Ys; AKA: Millennials 1. the generation born in the 1980s and 1990s, comprising primarily the children of the baby boomers and...

Learning From Lakamaga: Why an Architectural Historian Cares About Summer Camps

Whenever I tell people that my research deals with the history of summer camps, they smile. Undoubtedly some of the smiles are triggered by fond camp memories: the smell of pine, perhaps, or the...

Making the Best Better

Not too many job descriptions include expectations like, “Be able to rise early, go to bed late, and remain enthusiastic all day long.” “Work well with many different types of people.” “Share your...

Camp Through the Decades

Snapshots of camp’s history remain steadfast in the minds and hearts of camp pioneers, moving beyond the boundaries of time. In a series of interviews with several American Camping Association (ACA)...

A Camp Director Remembers World War II

Running a camp during World War II took creativity, ingenuity, and some sacrifice. While friends and family were being asked to give their lives for our country, those of us at camp wanted to do our...