Showing: 1711-1720 of 3699 results

Mid-Summer Evaluation Shake-Up: Put the Campers in Charge!

Hello Camp Evaluators! I’m so excited you took a minute of your busy, busy summer to read the Research 360 blog.  I used to be a day camp director, so I know first-hand what is at the tops of...

How to Plan a Wildlife Adventure

All summer long, the National Wildlife Federation is holding the Great American Campout, a celebration of using camping to connect to wildlife and nature. Here, naturalist David Mizejewski offers...

The Doldrums of Camp: Overcoming the Mid-Summer Slump

As a camp director, when the middle of the summer drew near, I found myself gathering my leadership team to prepare for a possible journey through "the Doldrums." In the children’s novel, The...

Current Action Alerts

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"Data" Isn't a Four-Letter Word: Team-Based Ways to Make Sense of the Information You Have

Greetings, camp evaluators!  If you are a summer-only program, your camp season is well under way; in fact, you are might feel like you are rounding third and starting down the home stretch....

Certificate of Liability Insurance for National & Regional Conference Exhibitors

All exhibitors must carry liability insurance for each ACA, Inc. show you exhibit at.  The exhibitor hereby assumes entire responsibility and hereby agrees to protect, defend,...

Tips for Calming Down Overwhelmed Camp Counselors

“It’s hot.” “I’m tired.” “My campers are crazy.” “My co-counselor is not pulling his/her own weight.” “I am just not sure I have enough left in my tank to finish the summer.” All of these are...

The End Is Near! Grab Social Emotional Learning Data While You Can

Social emotional learning. It’s the good stuff we know kids get out of camp: responsibility, interest in exploration, teamwork skills, independence. We also know that...

There Is Still Good in This World

I had the most delightful, inspiring experience recently. I was invited to be a guest judge at the “Mountaineer Cook-Off” at Mount Laguna. “Mountaineers” is our teen program at...

There’s No Business Like Trade Show Business

Trade shows, camp fairs, and community expos bring vendors together in a virtual mega mall where like-minded people can efficiently research and compare products, services, solutions, and ideas. It's...