Showing: 971-980 of 3699 results

Camps in Crisis: ACA's Annual Review of the Camp Crisis Hotline

Imagine — . . . You discover that one of your campers has been pretending to be someone else — under the direction of her parents. . . . Guests of a rental group on your...

Are You Ready for the E-Sign Revolution?

Introduction In 2006, we wrote an article for CampLine entitled “Electronic Communication — Legal and Practical Issues to Consider In the Information Age.” That...

HIPAA Privacy Rule Compliance — What Does It Mean for Camps?

HIPAA Privacy Rule Compliance has been required since spring 2003. Are you aware of the implications for your camp? Many camp directors seem to confuse how HIPAA impacts them and the privacy and...

Recruiting, Interviewing, and Hiring to Ensure the Best of the Best

Recruiting, interviewing, and hiring staff is the most important part of your job as a camp director. It is the single most time-consuming and, at times, tedious task you will undertake. However,...

From Peg - November 2010

Message discipline is difficult. Yet, in a complex association such as ACA, the demand for clarity is paramount. For an organization to grow, it must learn how to walk that thin line between chaos...

The Cycle of Camp

When I mention to people that I'm a Girl Scout, they give me the "once-over." You know, moving their eyes up and down my body, then adding; "Aren't you a little old to be a Girl Scout?" I'm thirty-...

Therapeutic Camps as Respite Care Providers: Benefits for Families of Children with Disabilities

Introduction We know that attending camp has considerable benefits for children with disabilities, but what about the advantages to their parents? With advances in medical care over the past...

“Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime . . . ”

"My sometime is now," the tune continues. In 1964, crooner Dean Martin knocked the Beatles' "Hard Day's Night" from their number one pop chart perch with that bit of wisdom. Almost fifty years later...

Environmental Impairment Risk

Our world is fragile and so are we! Could we have a starker reminder of this than the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico earlier this year? There are many lessons which...

Developing and Keeping Great Counselors

It takes a great staff to make a great camp. Jack Weiner once said: "With the right counselors, camp could be held in a parking lot." When one looks at all of the possible aspects of camp in which to...