Showing: 861-870 of 3699 results

Memo to Staff: Talking Out of Both Sides of My Mouth

I am standing in the middle of the woodshop of a sailing camp for boys on Cape Cod examining the hunk of wood that is on its way to becoming a fully functional model sailboat when I hear the ruckus...

Positive Learning

It's a beautiful July morning at Camp Nevva GoHoma. Let's get out of the office which we know is like Grand Central Station with campers, staffers, specialists, administrative personnel, parents...

Big Deal or No Big Deal: A Framework for Co-Counselors

Staff orientation training is a jam-packed period of time that can last anywhere from a few hours to a week or more. Ice breakers, camper development, activity training, and health and safety are...

From Peg - May 2010

At this time of year, the "Letter from Peg" is directed to camp staff and counselors as you prepare to enter the summer season. This year is no different. During camp training and orientation, you...

Crisis Response Training: Coaching Non-Counseling Staff to Respond

The power grid has gone down. Forest fire is threatening the camp property. The water supply is contaminated. There's been an industrial spill, and camp must be evacuated. Critical computer...

Building Principles: Magic From the Tap

Most children are fascinated by magicians. I remember being certain that a magic wand, would indeed, produce whatever I wanted. As you get older though, you come to realize that behind the "magic" is...

Children’s Summer Camp-Based Physical Activity

Childhood physical inactivity and obesity is a major concern because the current generation of children is one of the most inactive and unhealthy in history (Ogden, et al., 2006). A national study...

What Spending a Summer at Alpine Camp Means to Me

I have a friend that works on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. Though he is now just an intern, he feels that the work that he does there will eventually catapult him into a position that will allow...

Case Studies Reveal Camper Growth

Every year camp directors receive letters from campers’ parents describing growth experiences that began at camp and have continued to impact their son’s or daughter’s life in the home and community...

A Kaleidoscope of Opportunity: Teaching life skills

Camp professionals know that camp provides the opportunity to teach life-long skills, such as creative thinking, decision making, and getting along with others. By developing goals for your program...