Showing: 821-830 of 3699 results

Show Us the Money

All camp administrators want their business operations expenses to end up on the positive side of the budget ledger. However, many directors are unaware of how their expenses and revenues compare to...

It's Complicated. Beyond the Hookup Culture: Taking Initiative and Mitigating Risks

Navigating what has become known as the “hookup culture” is no easy task for young people of all ages and both sexes. Although it has now been popularized in song (including pop star Katy Perry’s “...

ADA Title III: Access to Recreation Programs for People with Disabilities — What Does it Mean For Me? . . . An Update

©2006 Catherine Hansen-Stamp and Charles R. Gregg* A teen who is deaf and her parents e-mail an application, seeking admission into a summer adventure camp. There are only a few weeks before the...

Pandemic Preparedness: How Concerned Should Camps Be?

The threat of an Avian (Bird) Flu human pandemic has caused many camp professionals moments of concern. Both West Nile Virus and SARS conditioned us to taking note of threats posed by communicable...

Single-Gender Camps and Hiring Employees: Is Gender an Appropriate Hiring Criterion?

The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals recently dealt with a gender discrimination lawsuit involving a woman's shelter that rejected an applicant for employment solely because he was male. The federal...

A Picture's Worth: Issues on Permission to Photograph Campers and Appropriately Using Those Photos

Do you own the copyright to photos you are using to recruit campers and staff? Are you using photos on the Web? Do you have permission from parents/guardians to photograph and use...

Be Superman: Teach Campers to Wear the Cape

Staff training? Check. Nametags ready? Check. Ready to do a great job? Check. Campers are here? Check. It is my first day of camp and I am ready to put everything they taught us into action. I will...

Weathering the Changes: Discriminating Mental Health Problems and Normal Developmental Struggles in Hard-to-Reach Campers

A camp director is stumped by negative changes observed in a veteran camper. Juan first came to camp as an energetic and enthusiastic eight-year-old. This year, at age fifteen, he walks away from...

Summer School and Summer Camp

Having spent the better part of the last thirteen years in summer camps and school classrooms, I have observed the benefits of year-round learning, although not necessarily in the form of year-round...

The Rearview Mirror: Driving Safety at Camp

A look in any rearview mirror will tell you a lot about where you have been, but little about where you are going. Unless, that is, you are driving at summer camp — where a quick look back can be an...