Showing: 561-570 of 3699 results

Be PRepared: A Camp Professional’s Guide to Public Relations

When facing a crisis, an emergency, or another major happening at your camp, do you have a plan in place for communicating with the media? With campers and their families? With the public?

The Ultimate Guide to Staffing Your Kitchen

It’s not you. With a 3:1 ratio of available culinary positions to applicants, the labor shortage for kitchen staff continues to be a harsh reality. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the...

Helping Camps “Go Green”: The Motivators and Barriers to Camp Sustainability

Like many camp administrators around the country, Jeff Gamble wanted his camp his camp — Jefunira Camp in California — to “go green” and operate more sustainably. But he faced a challenge. The camp...

Addressing the Elephant in Camp: Little Pay Creates Big Challenges

Amazing growth experiences for young adults entering the workforce should not come at the cost of competitive wages.

The Somewhat Ugly Truth about Teenagers at Camp

I attest my confidence in making friends, trying new things, and even my success in college to the time I spent at summer camp. I went for a month each summer from age 12 to 16. The industry, culture...

Camp Research Methods: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going?

A review of the first camp researcher gathering at the 2023 ACA national conference in Orlando

ACA Now - February 21, 2023

In this issue: Staff Training Issue availalbe for preorder, camp-school partnership webinar, and demo of the Learning Center....

2024 Staff Training Issue of Camping Magazine

Each year, the May/June issue of Camping Magazine is devoted to staff training — perfect for Staff Orientation!

ACA Now - February 14, 2023

In this issue: a new Project Real Job blog on recruiting and hiring, funding camp sustainability, and staffing summit follow-up events....

Lawfully Recruiting and Hiring the Best Candidates

These 10 tips can help you throughout the staff hiring process.