Showing: 1881-1890 of 3701 results

Benefits of Volunteering with ACA

In honor of National Volunteer Week (April 15–21, 2018), Rich Garbinsky, who chairs ACA's Volunteer Engagement Committee, shared his experience volunteering with ACA.

Retention of Camper and Staff Records

Questions we will address here include: Should camper and staff records be retained? If so, what should be kept and why? How should a camp retain such records and for how long? When may those records...

Protecting Your Camp with Photo Release Forms

Most youth-serving organizations market their organization with photographs showing the nature of the programming or individuals served. For camps in particular, still-life and video imagery are...

Droning On — Important Resources for the Use of Drones at Camp

Drones are a great tool for camps, both for use in programming and in collecting valuable footage of your property for use in a camp marketing video. Relatedly, some camps find themselves in the...

Final OSHA Rule Issued to Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses

Camps will need to adhere to a new Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rule that will impact when and how they file their annual reports with OSHA. Please see below to learn why OSHA...

Contracts: Who Needs Them? Who Reads Them?

Each year, the ACA Insurance Committee holds a Roundtable with many of the camp industry insurers and brokers in conjunction with the American Camp Association National Conference. The 2018...

Happy Campers: How Camp Relationships Promote Social and Emotional Learning

Young people are diverse and dynamic, and they have myriad pathways to success. Unfortunately, youth development research often highlights watered-down averages of sample sets that offer limited...

Integrating Duty of Care into Your Organizational Camp Culture

A child is injured by a falling rock during a climbing lesson. A volunteer is paralyzed when a horse they are leading kicks out. During unstructured time, a camper falls off the top bunk while...

Equipment Management: Maximizing the Fun and Games

“It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt.” Have you ever asked your staff to stop and really consider that adage? What does it actually mean? One interpretation is...

CampWire Episode #9 - Camp Resarch with Laurie Browne and Jim Sibthorp

In the ninth episode of CampWire, ACA's director of research Laurie Browne talks with another researcher, and longtime camp friend, Jim Sibthorp about ACA's 5-year research study.