Showing: 1871-1880 of 3701 results

Research Camp Staff Can Use at Camp, in School, and Beyond

Working at camp is one of the most memorable experiences a person can have; in fact, you are likely reading this because you have worked at camp in the past and are returning for more, or you are...

Happy Camping, Y'all!

Being a camp counselor is hard, but it’s the best and most rewarding work you’ll ever do. As someone who spent 17 summers at camp as a camper, counselor-in-training, cabin counselor, lifeguard,...

Emotional Readiness for Camp

Spring has finally arrived; the school year is beginning to wind down, and summer is on its way. For me, summer always means summer camp. Very soon, parents will be sending their most precious...

The Power of One, the Rule of Three - What Do These Numbers Mean to Me?

Having managed hundreds of camp crises, we have come to realize that the majority of events that cause harm to people and reputations fall into four major categories: waterfront accidents,...

Homesickness Dos and Don’ts for Parents Preparing for Camp

Homesickness is a fact of life.  It is human nature to pine for what is known and comfortable.  And a stay at summer camp — even for a seasoned camper — can generate pangs of longing for...

Collaboration Fulfills the Mission: Camp Staff Unite

Amber, the food service manager, watched anxiously as the small summer campers tried desperately to carry large trays containing plates of food and silverware from serving line to table during lunch...

Because We Love It

“Great ambition and conquest without contribution is without significance.” ~ The Emperor’s Club “Because we love it” is the common answer I hear when I ask motivated camp staff...

CampWire Episode #9 - Camp Resarch with Laurie Browne and Jim Sibthorp

In the ninth episode of CampWire, ACA's director of research Laurie Browne talks with another researcher, and longtime camp friend, Jim Sibthorp about ACA's 5-year research study.

Happy Campers: How Camp Relationships Promote Social and Emotional Learning

Young people are diverse and dynamic, and they have myriad pathways to success. Unfortunately, youth development research often highlights watered-down averages of sample sets that offer limited...

Benefits of Volunteering with ACA

In honor of National Volunteer Week (April 15–21, 2018), Rich Garbinsky, who chairs ACA's Volunteer Engagement Committee, shared his experience volunteering with ACA.