Showing: 1811-1820 of 3699 results

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How to Measure Success

I used to be a camp director, which means that, like many of you, my summers were spent in the whirl of camp. Each day flew into the next, and never did a day pass without a crisis (or 30). After ten...

DHS K-12 School Security: A Guide for Preventing and Protecting Against Gun Violence

U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC)

5 Reasons Not to Worry While Your Kids Are at Camp

Worrying when our kids are away from us is normal for parents. Every time I’ve ever dropped my kids off for a new adventure without me, I’m excited for them. But I’m also concerned about their safety...

How to Measure Enrollment: Part Three

Hello camp evaluators! Welcome to Part 3 of my series on measuring enrollment. When I started this series, I believe I had in mind that it would be a single blog, but that blog extended into two and...

New Director Orientation

The ACA New Director Orientation (NDO) is a course for seasonal or newer camp directors, assistant directors, program directors, and others moving into camp leadership positions. The course includes...

The Making of a Lifelong Camper

I started going to camp when I was six, or more accurately, I was sent to camp at six years old. I was dropped off on the shores of Lake George for two weeks without any prep, and let’s just say it...

Programs Innovatively Investing in Campers' Futures: 2018 Eleanor Eells Award Winners

Each year, ACA’s Eleanor P. Eells Award for Program Excellence recognizes camps that embody the award’s namesake by developing superior programming that effectively and creatively addresses the...

Summer Camps, Fire, and Emergency Communications: Six Lessons Learned During a Fire at Camp

Fires are a potential hazard for camps located in wooded areas and urban areas alike. How camps respond and communicate to camp families and the community when a fire does occur can go a long way to...