Showing: 1751-1760 of 3699 results

Three Lessons Learned from Year 2 of ACA's Impact Study

In the latest Research 360 blog, Laurie Browne, PhD, shares some things we’ve learned this year from the Impact Study, starting with a throwback to what we said we were learning in Year 1....

Federal Tax Impact on Employer-Provided Meals and Travel

Meals Provided to Employees We understand that historically one of the benefits provided to camp counselors and other employees of camps — both out of necessity for providing...

Parenting Trends and Challenges Facing Youth: What Camp Professionals Need to Know

In the middle of last summer, we received an update from our camp insurance agent about one of the biggest challenges facing camps in 2018 — camper and staff mental health issues. At that point in...

Video Games at Camp? Are You Kidding Me?

No, in fact, I'm completely serious. For the record, my 40-year career has been spent entirely within the camp, sports, and community center worlds, and has included positions as coach, athletic...

Making Mental Health Matter at Camp

In 1987, I reported to camp for my first full summer as a counselor. The campers were to arrive only a few days later, but I was confident that I would have no trouble as a staff member with a cabin...

Internship, Test Prep — or Camp? Summer Planning amid the Noise and Haste

"Go placidly amid the noise and haste" marks the beginning of a 1927 prose poem, "Desiderata," by American writer Max Ehrmann. A copy of this well-known piece, the Latin translation of which is "...

Inspired Learning through Deep Nature Play

An Interview with Joseph Bharat Cornell Joseph Bharat Cornell is a world-renowned naturalist, educator, and storyteller. He founded the nature awareness program Sharing...

When Competition Is Just Right

"I don't want my child to take part in this contest you've dreamed up," a visiting parent told me on the grounds of my camp. "I don't want him to lose. He's not good at this." She pointed out to the...

World-Class Career Development

Imagine a fun college summer working at camp, where, as with any other internship, young adults gain knowledge, skills, and hands-on experience while making important connections for their future....

Why I Hate Parenting Books

The mother standing next to me was not my own, which was fine. I was seven when I visited the Washington Monument for the first time, with both my parents. The next time, at 43, I was the married...