Showing: 1521-1530 of 3699 results

Camp Risk Management Tips That Are Sure to Make Your Insurance Company Happy!

Having good risk management practices at camp can help produce a positive camp experience, and also help reduce the likelihood of you needing to file a claim with your insurance carrier. What better...

JCC Association Announces Commitment to ACA Accreditation

Martinsville, IN (January 14, 2019) – Communities nourish camps, and camps change lives. In an effort to strengthen community-camp bonds nationwide, American Camp Association (ACA)—a...

Initial Priorities for the Strategic Plan — January 2020

We are thrilled about the enthusiastic reception that our Strategic Plan received this past fall. We believe that the field of organized camp is at an inflection point with...

Aligning with the Emerging Field of Youth Protection in Higher Education

Lindsay Meyer Bond, Youth Program Consultant | The Ohio State University and Executive Director | Higher Education Protection Network James Herten, Graduate Student | Cleveland State...

It's #HiringSeason: Using Instagram to Maximize Staff Engagement

Here are a few easy improvements you can make to your camp’s Instagram strategy to help recruit staff.

"It's the Best Part of Camp": Camper Views on Smartphone Policies

As camp directors, we instinctually know that the experience is much better without smartphones and technology, but what do the campers themselves think?

Refining Survey Instruments: Amplifying the Youth Voice

Through our ongoing efforts to inform and continually improve, we’re building a multi-faceted approach to collecting camper impact data and feedback.

Got Agency? How Camps Can Help Kids Develop Greater Agency

Agency is the ability to act as an effective agent for yourself — getting your mind, body, and emotions in balance to think clearly and make choices that improve your life. Simply put, agency is...

Building Belonging in the Age of Anxiety

Where do you belong? Close your eyes for a second and ask yourself that question. Can you picture a place where upon arrival you feel totally safe, respected, and loved? If you can picture the...

Connection — Moving Forward Together

Scientific studies suggest that 21st-century learning skills like creativity are fundamental contributors to how our brains develop. Brain development is stimulated by social and emotional...