Showing: 1361-1370 of 3699 results

Building Principles: Hunting on Camp Property

You well know the liability associated with having guests on your site. Most times, invited guests have expectations about what their experience will entail and the level of risk they intend to...

Risk Management — OSHA: Baseline Compliance for Camps

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has regulations that pertain to employee safety and health on the job. Occasionally, the popular press contains news of a business slapped...

Ready, Set, Go: How Camp Prepares Children for Lives of Success

The middle and high school years are filled with challenges, change, and promise. Perhaps more than anything else, parents hope that their children will be prepared to be productive and successful...

Tried and True . . . and Hard to Do: Advancing Camp’s Original Mission Requires Better Precision, Not Better Packaging

Believers in organized youth camping regularly flirt with ways to repackage the experience. Although many feel this market-driven approach is necessary to boost registration, it causes mission...

Girls and Leadership

In this interview, auther Rachel Simmons speaks to Camping Magazine about creating intentional camp experiences centered on relationship building, asserting oneself, and taking risks.

Writing a Letter of Reference

One of the challenges of working at a summer camp is communicating to the outside world what it means to work at a summer camp. When we were young camp counselors, my dear friend Brienne carefully...

20/20 Toolbox: Reaching Campers from Latino Communities

As the face of America continues to evolve with greater diversity, many camp directors search for ways to reach communities that might not yet be familiar with the camp experience. While every child...

20/20 Toolbox: Focus For a Future — A Win/Win Organization

A Humble Beginning Camp owners are thrilled, educators are motivated, and economically disadvantaged children are positively changed forever. Focus For a Future began with a very simple concept...

Is There Anything I Can Do to Help?

As camp professionals, we hear many stories about the impact of our camps on the lives of our participants. Often, when these alums come back and share a story or two with us from the past, they...

What I Did on My Summer Vacation

If you were looking for me in the middle of August, you wouldn’t have had a banana’s chance at a gorilla convention of finding me. I was incommunicado, far beyond any cell phone reception or Internet...