Showing: 131-140 of 3706 results

The Value of Camp

Results confirmed that camps build skills necessary to prepare campers to assume roles as successful adults.

Camps: A Leader in Learning

Guest post by Lance Ozier Summers have always belonged to children, and the traditionally fun activities that kids enjoy while on vacation at camp might not seem to have any relationship...

Processing the Summer

Guest post from Green River Preserve in Cedar Mountain, North Carolina. Read the original at...

Brain Food for Back-To-School Mondays: Nutrition Expert Offers Tips

This blog from ACA’s Educational Ally The Monday Campaigns is designed to help you keep those healthy camp habits alive at the start of school! Some of these tips your child might have...


Guest post by Marla Coleman 10-for-2. It often feels like we live 10 months for 2 months! Campers. Staff. Directors. (And dare we say parents, too?). Sadly, those precious...

Singing and Campfires

What is something that everyone who has ever gone to camp has done that is virtually impossible to re-create in any other setting? Campfires, of course! Our camp is 76 summers old and there are some...

Longing for Home

Guest post by Lydia Pettis When I was eight years old I spent four weeks at a summer camp for girls in West Virginia. My mother grew up in this camp, and I imagine she hoped I would grow to...

10 Reasons Why Businesses Should Hire Former Camp Counselors

Guest post by Anne Archer Yetsko When I speak with friends who work in other industries, I always tell them that if you have an applicant who has been a camp counselor and has a positive...

Helping Children Invent the Future

Guest post by Scott Brody American fifteen year olds are lagging behind students from other nations in math and science, according to the results of an...

5 Life Lessons Learned from Sleep-Away Camp

Guest blog by Stacey Ebert For sleep-away campers, the end of June brought endless smiles. School closed for two whole months and our second family greeted us with open arms. Mornings were...