Showing: 1291-1300 of 3699 results

Capturing the Inclusive Camp Experiences of Teens with and without Disabilities through Photography and Dialogue

Across the country, summer camps are an integral part of children’s traditional summer experiences. Unfortunately, the same may not be true for children with disabilities. Representing only 3 percent...

What’s Next? The Future of Facilitation

Predicting the future isn’t in my job description, but then neither was converting everything I knew about real-world facilitation then transferring it to virtual space. If I’m right, years from now...

Don't Be a Donkey

That’s always good advice, but this past summer we had to be reminded of it repeatedly. For us it meant spending a little time thinking about Buridan’s donkey. Jean Buridan was a 14th-century...

Camp Is Essential in an Age of Screens

Camp has never been a more critical part of Generation-Z’s year-round learning landscape and core social and emotional development. Just prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Pew Research Center surveyed...

Inclusion at Camp

Welcome to Trail Mixed: Inclusion at Camp. We are happy you are here. The stated mission of the American Camp Association (ACA) is enriching the lives of children, youth, and adults through the...

COVID-19: Decision-Making Amid Uncertainty

It’s a pandemic. No one knows enough. They say it may last 12–18 months. Maybe longer. Information changes day-to-day. Sometimes more frequently. There’s a pediatric complication that wasn’t...

Campers You Can't Serve

Bob Ditter has faithfully served the camp community for decades — and while he continues to do that, this will be his last In the Trenches column for Camping Magazine. We are so grateful to...

Unsung Heroes

What a summer 2020 turned out to be! The good, the bad, the ugly — and the grateful. During this pandemic, we are inspired by so many heroes rising up to meet numerous and mounting challenges. We...

Become a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Virtual Camp Champion

Webinar Description:  ACA has a commitment to promote and champion diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the camp world.  As camp leaders, you are being asked to...

2021 Looks to Be Another COVID-19 Summer: Camp in the Time of COVID-19

Open or closed in summer 2020, camps are looking to 2021 and evaluating options for operations next summer.