Showing: 1211-1220 of 3699 results

New Year, New Skills: Pro-Tips for Finding and Securing Grant Funding for Your Camp

Learn new skills and a fresh outlook about grant funding opportunities. Grant funding can play an important role in helping nonprofit camps withstand the ongoing Covid-19 crisis. Whether you are...

Summer Camp: Our Kids' Antidote to Pandemic Living

For two decades, I’ve been heralding the importance of summer camp to families who have never attended. Years before COVID-19, there existed a world-wide outbreak amongst our youth in technology...

Staff Recruitment, Hiring, & Retention Blog Posts & Articles

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Update: January 2021

In consideration of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday and the events of the past few weeks, we believe that it is important for the American Camp Association (ACA) to again state that we stand in...

Staff Recruitment in the COVID-19 Era

COVID-19 remains a real threat to operations and knowing what is to come this summer. Nonetheless, finding quality summer staff is a must — even if those staffing plans are contingent on what happens...

Day Camp Innovation at Its Best

Many camp professionals have a lot of anxiety about running camp in summer 2021. The camp community is surviving by thinking outside the box. Join a panel of day camp professionals who were allowed...

Celebrating Camp: New Research on the Similarities and Differences across Camp Types

This Research 360 blog post discusses a new study called Similarities and Differences in Summer Camps: A Mixed Methods Study of Lasting Outcomes and Program Elements.

ACA Accreditation: A Mark of Safety and Quality

If one positive thing has come out of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s this: we have collectively realized the benefits of many of the experiences we took for granted prior to the pandemic. Parents and...

Liderar durante una Crisis: Construir el Avión Mientras se Vuela

El 1 de enero de 2020, me encontraba en un crucero en el Golfo, brindando por lo que creía que sería un año increíble. Pero este año pasado no fue lo que yo esperaba. Por primera vez en más de 25...

2021 January/February Camping Magazine

This issue previews the national conference.