Showing: 1191-1200 of 3699 results

Keeping Our Courage in This Time of Uncertainty,

Sponsored by Maine Summer Camps MSC Webinar with Bob Ditter “How Camp Professionals Can Hope and Cope in the Age of Coronavirus Uncertainty” The current situation with the Coronavirus outbreak and...

It's Not Fair! - Things Kids Are Dealing With in a COVID-19 Camp World

Following several months of decreased interpersonal opportunities and increasing anxiety, we should expect many of our campers to struggle upon "reentry." Whether they are able to express it verbally...

Staff Engagement Think Tank – How Are We Engaging Staff Right Now?

The first phase of COVID-19 quarantining is just ramping up. We don’t have all of the answers or know the outbreak’s full impact on camp just yet, but we know we’re all dealing with something new and...

Shift Happens: 3 Steps to Choosing Courage in Changing Times

The world is shifting. A reshaping of the global landscape has prompted conversations about courage among camp professionals as they consider changes to their employment, programs, and priorities....

Managing Camp in Regions with High Community Infections

This is an opportunity for camp professionals to connect with experts at Environmental Health & Engineering regarding considerations for operating camp in areas experiencing high, community...

Impactful Activities to Maximize Online Staff Training

Sponsored by ACA, New England “To Hear is To Forget, To See is To Remember, To Do is To Learn.” During this one-hour online training workshop, we will demonstrate a variety of activities...

Fundraising for Camps 2020 and Beyond

We know that many camps have suspended in-person operations this summer or are operating at reduced capacities and are looking to launch or increase fundraising. Whether you've kicked off your...

Disability Inclusion During Covid-19 | Strategies for Camp and Recreation Programs

Are you running in-person camp this summer and looking for some support adapting inclusion principles and strategies? If so, join us! Inclusion is NOT Cancelled – join ACA, New England and Lisa...

COVID-19 Can’t Cancel Inclusion

In a time of great uncertainty, one thing is for certain: no matter your situation we can all use help in what has become our temporary new normal. Inclusion strategies are good for anyone during...

Recruiting College Students: Make It Personal

Staff recruitment is looking a bit . . . or a lot . . . different this year. Slowly, a shift from loading up the car and driving cross-country to area colleges for job fairs has...