Showing: 1161-1170 of 3699 results

Marketing and Advertising in 2021 — Are You Tower Records or Spotify?

As the chief marketing officer for the American Camp Association (ACA), I get to serve the field of camp and camp professionals who, in turn, empower the lives of children and youth in countless ways...

Emergent Camp Trends

Heading into summer 2020, the summer camp industry was flourishing. With close ties to overall economic indicators such as disposable income and leisure time, the robust economy of the last five...

Useful Techniques for Maintaining Physical Distancing in Groups

Anytime a group of people gathers together there is an atavistic human instinct to draw closer. Closer to the speaker so to be able to hear what is being said. Closer to friends and family. Close...

Five Trends in Camp Evaluation

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), while weather refers to short-term changes in the atmosphere, climate describes what the weather is like over a long period of...

New American Camp Association Survey Demonstrates Camps Can Operate Safely

Summer 2020 survey confirms safety and offers hope for children to rebuild necessary social and emotional connections through camp experiences this summer.   Martinsville...

Managing COVID-19’s Social-Emotional Toll

As we begin our second year within the COVID-19 pandemic and head toward summer 2021, it is especially critical that camp professionals focus on resourcing a supportive camp culture that helps...

Food (Justice) for Thought

Picky camp eaters — we all know them. In surveying the amount of leftovers on a given day and fielding phone calls from families and guardians about the food, this begs the...

Health Screening Has Evolved: Does Your Practice Reflect That?

Health screening, a practice typical to most camps' opening day process, has undergone an evolution. Granted, some changes were kick-started by our COVID-19 experience but, like...

Becoming Part of the New Normal

2020. Shall we say 2020 was a year to remember or one to forget? Camps across the country are even still trying to decide as leadership teams dig deeply to identify how they can shield their...


Mike, Jim, Sarah, Eric, Jake, Marina, Michael, Hunter, Pierce . . . the names roll off my tongue too readily, capturing the enormity of loss too often.  In the life paradigm that is a...