Showing: 1041-1050 of 3699 results

Update on the Camp Program Quality Initiative: Spotlight on the Assessment Development Working Group

To continue with our blog series spotlighting the work our Community of Practice has been doing, I’m...

Photograph Mosquito Babies and Map Mosquito Habitats at Camp

Mosquitoes are the world’s most dangerous animal, but monitoring efforts can bring early warning of potential disease outbreaks. Campers in your programs can help! Take photos of mosquito "babies" (...

Communication Leaders

Important Resources Committee Member Service Description For...

Ongoing Efforts for COVID-19 Prevention: What about Face Masks?

When camps receive negative COVID-19 screening tests, it is a result of deliberate planning, excellent communication, earned compliance, diligent execution — and a little luck! The situation of...

NASA eClips™ Provides Engaging and Flexible Resources for Camps

Captivating and interactive NASA eClipsTM resources use best practices to inspire youth through STEM experiences in...

CampWire Episode 39: Mindfulness Practices at Camp

ACA's Professional Development Manager of the Western Region, John Beitner, sits down with Susan Fee and Tanea Mills to discuss how mindfulness practices can enhance the camp experience.

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It’s free play, the 30 to 45 minutes of magical time at camp when nothing and everything happens. I walk from the dining room to the main campus after dinner and stop to watch five 9- and 10-year-old...

2021 Golden Quill and Golden Lens Winners

2021 Golden Quill Award Winner Matthew Cook "Building Belonging in the Age of Anxiety" (January/February 2020) This...

Skills for First-Time Supervisors: Actively Grow into Your Supervisory Role

Transitioning to your very first supervisory role can be a formidable task, and it's only natural to be nervous. While each employment situation is unique, being a camp supervisor can invite further...

The Consultant Dynamic: Ensuring a Successful Engagement

When leaders of camps and other youth-serving organizations contemplate the use of a consultant, it is in their best interest to truly understand the potential advantages and pitfalls — and how best...