Showing: 321-330 of 370 results

ACA Turning Points: Leadership Lessons from the Past

"The future begins with the past." —Mary Chapin Carpenter As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the American Camp Association (ACA), we have had several opportunities to "look back" at the...

Marketing Your Camp – Finding the Balance

Introduction The lifeblood of your camp is your campers. Consequently, it is vital to the success of your camp that you deliver the message that yours is a special place for campers to learn, grow,...

A New Child in the Wild?

Every several years we reexamine the legal duty of care owed by a camp to its families. We do this for a variety of reasons. New laws are passed, and new court decisions are issued. New activities,...

ACA Hotline: Taking Stock and Striking a Realistic Balance

The Fall 2019 issue of CampLine included a summary of the year’s Hotline calls. The American Camp Association (ACA) categorized the year’s calls into various areas. They found a full 65...

ACA, Ohio Grants Program

ACA, Ohio is proud to be able to offer the Grants Program. This program awards grants for the purpose of improving and expanding the camp experience in Ohio. Any member (camp or individual) of...

Get on It! Online, On-Site, Ongoing and On-Point Training

How will you tailor your training approach to ensure that staff are well-trained and equipped for the diverse challenges they’ll face?

Evaluating a Good Season

Several months after the ending of the 2002 camp season, a concerned camp director contacted me. As the director of a small nonprofit camp, he had received a bit of critical feedback from the board...

Beyond Branding to the Lovemark: A Case Study of Camp Marketing to Generations Y and Z

013Many camps create a respite from the pace of the modern world with their programs. But, in terms of marketing, there seems to be no escape from the information deluge. It is estimated that people...

The Business of Camp: Starting a New Camp

“It is critical to treat camp like a business or it will absolutely fail, and to know in your head and heart that if you treat camp only as a business it will also fail absolutely; so always...

The Role of Safety

Building Camps That Care About Kids — Second in a Series of Four Articles We've all heard the story of Chicken Little. The falling acorn had Chicken Little convinced that the sky was...