Showing: 301-310 of 340 results

Quality Improvement in Action: Prepare

  The first phase of the continuous improvement cycle is “prepare”. In this phase, camp professionals should ensure organizational readiness to engage in assessments and improvements....

Quality Improvement in Action: Assess

The second phase of the continuous improvement cycle is “assess”. During this phase, camp professionals organize and execute program quality assessments at their camp, facilitate ongoing coaching...

Quality Improvement in Action: Plan

The third phase of the continuous improvement cycle is “plan”. This important step in the process is dedicated to review and reflection. After assessments are completed, digging into the data and...

Quality Improvement in Action: Improve

The last phase of the continuous improvement cycle is “improve”. This is where the magic happens and steps to improve can be discovered! Using learnings from the reflection process during “plan”, key...

ACA Camp Crisis Hotline Annual Review 2022

Case studies and lessons learned from the ACA Crisis Hotline.

Testing Considerations for SARS-CoV-2 in Summer Camp Settings

A major challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic has and continues to be our ability to test for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 effectively, efficiently, and economically in both symptomatic and asymptomatic...

Update on the Camp Program Quality Initiative: Spotlight on the Assessment Development Working Group

To continue with our blog series spotlighting the work our Community of Practice has been doing, I’m...

The CampLine

The CampLine provides camp-specific knowledge on legal, legislative, and risk management issues.

The CampLine Archives

Past issues and articles from The CampLine.

2021 Spring CampLine

The latest issue of CampLine includes articles about camp staffing, staff hiring, promoting community health through the use of nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs), and COVID-19 testing...