Showing: 261-270 of 340 results

The Five-Minute Marketing Plan: Designing Your Blueprint for Success

You know you should have a written marketing plan but can’t seem to find the time, energy or know-how to pull it together. Problem solved! In this fast-paced program you...

What's Happening in Phase 3 of the Camp Impact Study

In this Research 360 blog post, Victoria Povilaitis discusses what's going on in phase three of the summer camp impact study.

Program Quality Matters for Youth Development

Greetings camp evaluators! Congratulations on making it to the end (or very nearly the end) of your summer season. I am so excited to present the following guest post for this week’s Research 360...

2018 Business of Camp: Interesting Trends and Otherwise

Trends in camp business operations are altogether interesting and not interesting. Interesting because the business of camp is dynamic and evolving quickly to meet the demands of the 21st century,...

New Year, New Skills: Pro-Tips for Finding and Securing Grant Funding for Your Camp

Learn new skills and a fresh outlook about grant funding opportunities. Grant funding can play an important role in helping nonprofit camps withstand the ongoing Covid-19 crisis. Whether you are...

CampCounts 2021 Report

CampCounts 2021 is the latest iteration of ACA’s annual business and industry research survey, which aims to support camp professionals in their operational decision-making and to support ACA’s...

Update on the Camp Program Quality Initiative: Spotlight on the Continuous Quality Improvement Systems Design Work

This blog is the first in a five-part series that will dive deeply into the work of our working groups and describe our plans for our Program Quality Coach/Observer processes.

Camp Business Resources — COVID-19

Federal disaster relief loans, Facebook grants, insurance information, supply resources, and more.

Marketing and Communications — COVID-19

Parents and staff are naturally going to be concerned, particularly with the constant media coverage of coronavirus, so you must communicate openly and often with them.

Virtual Program Resources — COVID-19

ACA has compiled of virtual programming resources to help with summer 2020 planning.