Showing: 91-100 of 363 results

Middle Adolescence - Age 14 to 16

Developmental Milestones Increase their hypothetical reasoning abilities Conduct increasing future planning Experience further sexual maturation and explore issues of...

Child/Adolescent Development Articles for Parents

The Boy in the Boat - Life Lessons Learned at Camp...

Nature Loves Nurture

In the spring of 2002, Psychologist Wallace Dixon published the results of a survey of 1,500 randomly selected, doctoral-level members of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD). He had...

Because of Camp. . .The possibilities are endless

For almost 150 years the camp community has had a secret. Not a well-kept secret, mind you, because you can see it in your neighborhoods, in your office buildings, on your favorite TV shows — you can...

The Impact of the Loss of Free, Undirected Play in Childhood (And What Camps Can Do About It)

As wonderful as the cherished traditions and programmatic aspects of a camp may be, what we teach campers may not be the most important part of their summer experience. The most crucial and...

A Field Guide to Preserving Childhood

It is commonly said that it takes an entire village to raise strong, healthy children. Yes, it takes a village of people to raise a child, but it also takes the village itself. A hundred years ago...

Role Model Relationships: Making healthy human connections

All parents have hopes and desires for their children. I'll bet high on your list of wishes is that your children grow up to be well-adjusted adults who have healthy, nurturing relationships of their...

When They Come Home

It is probably difficult to imagine, as you scan the "packing list," count socks, get the trunk out, and make sure your child's name is on everything they are taking, what your son or daughter might...

Un campamento para cada niño — Le viene a la medida

¿Cerca o lejos? ¿Adónde quiere que su hijo vaya al campamento? ¿Cerca o lejos? Aunque cada campamento tiene algo que ofrecerle a su hijo, ésta es una oportunidad para estimar qué es lo más...