Showing: 221-230 of 363 results

Videos: The Impact of Camp

Does summer camp really make a difference? We know camp changes lives but what impact does it have on the lives of former campers? The American Camp Association’s large-...

5 Reasons Not to Worry While Your Kids Are at Camp

Worrying when our kids are away from us is normal for parents. Every time I’ve ever dropped my kids off for a new adventure without me, I’m excited for them. But I’m also concerned about their safety...

U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC)

DHS K-12 School Security: A Guide for Preventing and Protecting Against Gun Violence

5 Tips for Surviving Your Child’s First Overnight Camp Experience

Your child’s at summer camp? That’s so exciting! And hard. For some of you, an internal “WA HOO!” went off as the bus filled with excited campers and their duffle bags pulled away. But for...

Program Quality Matters for Youth Development

Greetings camp evaluators! Congratulations on making it to the end (or very nearly the end) of your summer season. I am so excited to present the following guest post for this week’s Research 360...

Are You Prepared for a Bear? If Not, How Will You Respond to an Armed Intruder?

Running a camp is challenging. Running a camp in the United States, where violent events occupy the 24-hour news cycle, is even more difficult. There are so many risks and expectations to manage....

Emergency Planning and Preparedness for Summer 2021 — Key Lessons and Takeaways Related to COVID-19

Like many of you, I spent last summer monitoring social media for information about how the camps in my home state of Missouri were handling the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the social nature of camps —...

Is It Over Yet?

The year 2020 was one of adversity. It was a year of dramatic change and tremendous loss for many. Loss of loved ones. Loss of income. Loss of business. Loss of treasured life experiences —...

Day Camp Innovation at Its Best

Many camp professionals have a lot of anxiety about running camp in summer 2021. The camp community is surviving by thinking outside the box. Join a panel of day camp professionals who were allowed...