Showing: 731-740 of 804 results

Understanding and Avoiding Soy Allergen Sources

For food service management shopping for soy-allergic campers, it will seem like soy is everywhere. Because soy is a staple for many food manufacturers, it is one of the most ubiquitous food...

Staff Culture: Skipping a Season without Skipping a Beat

Summer 2020 impacted every aspect of camp, and regardless of how things played out — with various scenarios of camp running in some form or not at all — building next summer’s staff team weighs...

Camp Business Resources — COVID-19

Federal disaster relief loans, Facebook grants, insurance information, supply resources, and more.

Marketing and Communications — COVID-19

Parents and staff are naturally going to be concerned, particularly with the constant media coverage of coronavirus, so you must communicate openly and often with them.

Trees and What They Can Teach Us about Evaluation in Uncertain Times

Picture this: You notice that a small sapling you planted a while ago is at last large enough that it no longer requires stakes to stay upright. It takes two hands to wrap around its now-sturdy trunk...

What to Evaluate in Virtual or Alternative Programs

Hello camp friends, and welcome to the second in our short Research 360 series focusing on evaluation during the time of COVID-19. In our first blog we...

New Director Orientation (NDO) Online Course - Asynchronous

ACA’ New Director Orientation (NDO) is designed to give you a solid foundation in the competencies and responsibilities necessary to your work as a camp director.  The course has been arranged...

Health Screening Has Evolved: Does Your Practice Reflect That?

Health screening, a practice typical to most camps' opening day process, has undergone an evolution. Granted, some changes were kick-started by our COVID-19 experience but, like...

Becoming Part of the New Normal

2020. Shall we say 2020 was a year to remember or one to forget? Camps across the country are even still trying to decide as leadership teams dig deeply to identify how they can shield their...

Waterfront Management for Camp and Recreation Settings, 2nd edition

Camp and recreation programs have a long history with aquatics activities and aquatics programs. While many of our aquatics staff are trained in pool settings, and some can take a waterfront skills...