Showing: 621-630 of 804 results

Learning Perspective in Camp Communities of Empathy

The first time I can remember intentionally practicing empathy, I was an eight-year-old, first-time camper sitting in a circle with my counselors and cabinmates inside our cabin just before...

Collaboration Fulfills the Mission: Camp Staff Unite

Amber, the food service manager, watched anxiously as the small summer campers tried desperately to carry large trays containing plates of food and silverware from serving line to table during lunch...

Research Camp Staff Can Use at Camp, in School, and Beyond

Working at camp is one of the most memorable experiences a person can have; in fact, you are likely reading this because you have worked at camp in the past and are returning for more, or you are...

Happy Camping, Y'all!

Being a camp counselor is hard, but it’s the best and most rewarding work you’ll ever do. As someone who spent 17 summers at camp as a camper, counselor-in-training, cabin counselor, lifeguard,...

Summer Camps Abuse Prevention Program

ASAP's abuse-prevention program is being used to ensure healthly physical and behavorial interactions and safety.  It includes a Director's Guide, screening protocol, staff training - animated...

Environmental Working Group - Guide to Sunscreen

How to Measure Enrollment: Part One

Enrollment represents the number of campers we serve — but, as straightforward as that sounds, it’s not.

How to Measure Enrollment: Part Two

To truly understand if you are serving campers in the ways you hope, you need to look at enrollment from several different angles.

"What Is Past Is Prologue" — Investing in Our Future

This past spring break, Pam and I took our ten-year-old son, Daniel, to Washington, DC. Daniel is really enjoying his US history studies at school, and we knew this would be an ideal time to explore...


Since moving to Montana from Pennsylvania several years ago, I’ve become much more attuned to the threat of wildfires, and have begun to learn more about what can be done to safeguard the people...