Showing: 301-310 of 804 results

Building Principles: Getting More Out of Construction Projects Without Paying More (and Maybe Even Paying Less!)

We’ve explored construction contracts before and the idea that they set the rules for a short-term “marriage of convenience” — from proposal through amicable divorce. But this month, we’re going to...

Play at Camp: Talking to the Funders versus Preaching to the Choir

Camp professionals just get it! Play is a valuable aspect of childhood and, of course, camp. It’s a given, an easy sell. But that’s just preaching to the choir. Explaining to funders the need to...

Welcome to Generation Camp

I live in Minnesota where the season’s changing is often dramatic and spectacular. One day it’s ten below zero and the next 65 with bright sun and birds gleefully singing. And although we are all...

Learning Disabilities in Campers

How often do you see the following examples occur in campers? Kenny, a bright ten-year-old, focuses his attention on the counselor's directions during an activity. He appears attentive, but always...

Toward an Understanding of ADHD: A Developmental Delay in Self-control

Josh can't keep his hands to himself when waiting in line. Seth seems to act irresponsibly. Megan never completes an arts and crafts project. These campers' behaviors may have a common link -...

Programming: Real Wild Wacky Wednesday

What day is it when hugs earn points and strange hats with funky costumes are the norm? It’s Wacky Wednesday — a fun-filled day where everything is topsy turvy, a bit bizarre, and very extraordinary...

Play and Healing: Therapeutic recreation's role in coping with grief

Camp can be an ideal setting to help children cope with the death of a loved one. Since 1991, Camp ReLeaf, a weekend camp hosted by Triangle Hospice of Durham, North Carolina, has been helping...

Welcoming Teen Workers: A school-to-work program can help you find and fund staff

Imagine a camp program with the power to improve the academic and social behavior of participants and to positively impact participants’ readiness for work, social development, and lifelong learning...

The Growing Camper: Understanding the typical developmental traits of children

Each camper will be different. They will come from different backgrounds, different family structures, and different socio-economic classes. However, just as they are different, they are the same....

Tips for Camp Counselors: Sage Advice from a Veteran Camp Director

As a camp counselor, your job is among the most important responsibilities anywhere - parents have entrusted their children to you. You have the charge of not only making sure they are safe, but of...