Showing: 191-200 of 314 results

Storytelling for Marketing: Telling the Story of Summer 2020

DESCRIPTION: Storytelling is a deeply human experience, we’ve been telling each other stories for thousands of years. Our stories have the power to bring people together, to shape...

Quirky Kids: What We Can Do When a Kid Doesn’t “Fit”

Description Every cabin/group has a Quirky Kid or two… these are campers who tend to act, do, and socialize differently from their peer.  Quirky kids often don’t pick up social cues, or else...

For Posterity: Using Time Capsules to Capture Camp

It was the spring of 2016 when I received a call from the current director of Many Point Camp in Minnesota. Having been the director of Many Point for 25 years, I was used to a call inviting me to...

COVID-19: Decision-Making Amid Uncertainty

It’s a pandemic. No one knows enough. They say it may last 12–18 months. Maybe longer. Information changes day-to-day. Sometimes more frequently. There’s a pediatric complication that wasn’t...

The Five-Minute Marketing Plan: Designing Your Blueprint for Success

You know you should have a written marketing plan but can’t seem to find the time, energy or know-how to pull it together. Problem solved! In this fast-paced program you...

New Director Orientation

The ACA New Director Orientation (NDO) is a course for seasonal or newer camp directors, assistant directors, program directors, and others moving into camp leadership positions. The course includes...

U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC)

DHS K-12 School Security: A Guide for Preventing and Protecting Against Gun Violence

Are You Prepared for a Bear? If Not, How Will You Respond to an Armed Intruder?

Running a camp is challenging. Running a camp in the United States, where violent events occupy the 24-hour news cycle, is even more difficult. There are so many risks and expectations to manage....

Emergency Planning and Preparedness for Summer 2021 — Key Lessons and Takeaways Related to COVID-19

Like many of you, I spent last summer monitoring social media for information about how the camps in my home state of Missouri were handling the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the social nature of camps —...