Showing: 91-100 of 909 results

Putting Camp in the Childhood Equation

In preparation for the 2010 camp season, the American Camp Association® (ACA) enlisted the expertise of Rachel Simmons and Dr. Michael Thompson, best-selling authors and specialists on the trials,...

Cool Under Pressure: How to Do What You Know How to Do When You Most Need to Do It

This may seem like an unusual subject for an article on camp counseling, but as you read on, I think you'll find it actually is a most relevant topic. Consider this: Anyone can perform well when...

Confessions of a Disciplinarian: How Managing Camper Behavior Can Save the Summer

Like many camp directors — and other educators for that matter — I am frequently thrust into the unenviable role of disciplinarian. And, frankly, I don't feel that I'm very good at it. That is my...

Camp Traditions: Memories in the Making

As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the American Camp Association®, we recognize that through wars, recessions, triumphs, and feats of accomplishment, the camp experience has remained, at its...

20/20 Toolbox: How Can Counselors Be Inclusive?

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter how great camp activities are, which special events seem fun, or even what new facilities have been added if each camper does not feel understood and appreciated. Given...

Eyes on Bullying: What YOU Can Do to Prevent and Stop Bullying at Camp

"People don't understand. Those three weeks hurt more than any punch in the face could hurt. It took my breath away, and my whole self-confidence." — Will, a camper Have you ever been...

Cracking Children's SECRET Code

I don't want to play. I hate kickball. — Sophia, age five Ben doesn't like me. He's always mad at me. — Betrand, age nine This place stinks. All the activities are stupid...

Memo to Staff: Talking Out of Both Sides of My Mouth

I am standing in the middle of the woodshop of a sailing camp for boys on Cape Cod examining the hunk of wood that is on its way to becoming a fully functional model sailboat when I hear the ruckus...

Positive Learning

It's a beautiful July morning at Camp Nevva GoHoma. Let's get out of the office which we know is like Grand Central Station with campers, staffers, specialists, administrative personnel, parents...

Big Deal or No Big Deal: A Framework for Co-Counselors

Staff orientation training is a jam-packed period of time that can last anywhere from a few hours to a week or more. Ice breakers, camper development, activity training, and health and safety are...