Showing: 631-640 of 908 results

Courage, Not Comfort! Part II

I am back with Part 2 of our conversation about fund-raising — although I am sure some of you were hoping I would forget! Not a chance. Now we get to the fun part, the rewarding part, and, of course...

The Psychology of Camper Success

James, an adorably awkward first-summer camper, sits on a bench outside Campcraft preparing to take his knife safety test. You tell him to begin, and — biting his lip in concentration — he flips open...

Presidential Fellows: A Program for Leadership Development at Camp Twin Lakes

The age-old question of “What do you do the rest of the year?” is inevitable. Every camp director we know has heard it, often many times. Summer is an intense and busy time, and we have worked hard...

A Meeting of the Minds: Camp Directors, Higher Ed, and College Students

Camps need staff to run their programs; colleges/universities have various requirements for students regarding coursework and internships; and students are usually pulled between what they want to do...

Expanding the Impact of Camp: From Individual Lives to Societal Change

This article is part of Camping Magazine’s series on inclusion, identifying and exploring both big picture and on-the-ground actionable pathways for application through participant...

Building an Army of Asking Ants

Ant colonies have been used throughout history as models of industry. As a collective, ants are efficient, surprisingly intelligent, and are among the very few animals that organize themselves to...

Gen-Y At Camp: How to Understand, Manage, and Increase Resiliency in Millennial Camp Staff

Gen·er·a·tion Y (noun): Generation Y; plural noun: Generation Ys; AKA: Millennials 1. the generation born in the 1980s and 1990s, comprising primarily the children of the baby boomers and...

Why Camps and After-school Programs Should Work Together to Hire Staff

I am a camp guy. I spent 10 summers growing up at various overnight camps as a camper, counselor, dishwasher, and unit head. As ACA research has shown, these experiences provided me with some of my...

Staff Recruitment & Retention Downloadable Handouts

These free resources help tell the story about the importance of adding summer camp experience to a resume!

Staff Workforce Development: What Helps and What Hinders It

Camp is a fantastic place for growth and development, not only of campers but young staff too. The skills they learn while working in this context prepare them for college, career, and life!