Showing: 371-380 of 910 results

A Place to Share: Lessons from Summer Camp

Bobby arrived later than all the other campers, a habit I would soon come to expect. He waited awkwardly in the rec hall doorway. He clutched a black plastic bag of clothing and toiletries, and in...

Risk Management: Parents and Camp Health Services - Creating a Sane Partnership

Camp professionals have long talked about forming a partnership with parents. First articulated by Bob Ditter, the concept has moved deeply into various policies, practices, materials, and...

Camper Enrollment Continued Upward Trend in 2014

Economically speaking, 2014 felt a little better across the nation. The Dow was up a bit, the jobs reports were somewhat positive, and people seemed to be spending money. Early in 2015 it still feels...

Handling the Sensitive Issues Campers Bring to You

When You've Earned Your Campers' Trust, You May Get More Than You Bargained For You are out on an overnight hiking trip, sitting around the campfire with your campers and co-counselors, enjoying...

Brain Development and Teens

School had never been a successful place for 13-year-old Manuel. He never felt smart enough or capable enough or emotionally safe enough to do well in school. For one thing, the "neck up" learning...

The Perfect Place to Read: Encouraging the Love of Reading at Camp

“Yes, a reading program fits into camp. Sherwood [Forest] Camp is a lot more than camping, mosquitoes, and swimming — it’s aimed at the whole child.” — Parent of a 2011 reading program participant...

The Cool Counselor: For the Right Reasons

When I first began teaching and working with kids, I began by thinking, “We are all going to get along. I am going to be the best teacher these kids have ever had, and we are going to be friends.” I...

In the Trenches: Trouble in the Lodge — Two Simple Behavioral Strategies for Camper Behavior

Dear Bob, We had a first-time eight-year-old female camper last summer who, after a brief bout of homesickness, adjusted well to camp, made friends, and began enjoying the activities...

Plan Now for New Food Activity Programming

Before the last campfire at summer camp 2015 fades from your memory, focus some energy on developing new camp activities that involve the food service operation. Food activities can range from...

20/20 Toolbox: Scholarship, Fundraising, and Outreach Strategies for All Camps

As camp operators, we are keenly aware that when kids go to camp, they make positive gains in self-reliance, independence, communication, and self-esteem. Unplugged from the constant electronic buzz...