Showing: 121-130 of 909 results

In It to Win It

Congratulations! You have just taken on one of the most rewarding jobs there are! Supervising camp activities or taking care of other people’s children is typically a very different kind of job than...

Why the World Needs Summer Camp: An Essay to Parents

It is not easy for parents to make the decision to send their child away into the waiting arms of strangers who promise to take care of them — people who promise to show them the wonders of nature,...

Longer Camp Sessions: Disappearing Dinosaur or Timely Treasure?

Gone are the days when most, or even many, camps offered only full sessions of seven or eight weeks. Shrinking summer vacations for all age groups, staggered college start dates for staff populations...

Why Day Camp Matters

When looking for summer activities for their children, parents today are faced with an incredible wealth of options. Many of these options describe themselves as “camp”: sports camps, arts camps,...

Camp . . . MAGNIFIED! The Benefits of Specialty Camps

Specialty camps serve a specific population exclusively. That service can be with regard to need or desire. And while the educational camp programs at the US Space & Rocket Center — Space Camp...

The Other Side of the Mountain: Views on Organized Camp for 2012

Despite my more than forty years in organized camping, I have scant experience in the other kind. In fact, one of my few forays into the world of site camping — accompanied by a long-time camp friend...

Religious Camps: Common Roots and New Sprouts

In a grove of trees by the edge of a field, campers gather with their Bibles open. In the corner of the dining room, a small group of campers prepare for the Shabbat celebration. Under a starry...

The Role of Nonprofit Organizations in the History of Camp

Decade after decade since the mid-1800s, summer residential and day camps have been a barometer for social change, often acting as catalysts for change themselves. What started out as a retreat from...

We’re All in the Same Boat Together: Trends and Issues in Camps

Since the first days of organized camp for children over 150 years ago, camp administrators have been challenged to respond to emerging issues that impact the camp experience. Although the value of...

In the Trenches: Reflecting and Learning

People in medical professions call it a “post mortem” — an unfortunate term that literally means “after death.” People in human services and professional development call it “debriefing,” while the...