Showing: 181-190 of 418 results

Power to the People: Making Staff Training Work for Your Staff

It's time to start re-thinking the traditional ways in which we view staff training. This session will be full of new and innovative ideas to change the dynamic (and timing) of your staff training....

Happy Campers: How Camp Relationships Promote Social and Emotional Learning

Young people are diverse and dynamic, and they have myriad pathways to success. Unfortunately, youth development research often highlights watered-down averages of sample sets that offer limited...

Checklist for Gender Inclusive Practives at Camp

HRC LGBT Youth Report

GLADD Media Reference Guide

Expanding the Impact of Camp: From Individual Lives to Societal Change

This article is part of Camping Magazine’s series on inclusion, identifying and exploring both big picture and on-the-ground actionable pathways for application through participant...

Introducing an Exciting Expansion of ACA's 5-Year Impact Study: Camp Staff Experiences

The 5-Year Impact Study's recent expansion focuses on if and how camp staff experiences prepare emerging adults for college, career, and life success.

Findings from Phase 1 of the 5-Year Research Project

ACA Director of Research Dr. Laurie Browne shares the emerging themes from Phase 1 of the Five Year Impact Study.  These preliminary findings point to the numerous ways camp...

ACA's Youth Impact Study - Phase 1 Findings

Promising themes from the interviews conducted in the exploratory phase.

Supporting Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the Camp Environment

Camping and leisure activities are important for all of us, including individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This webinar will begin to identify the benefits of having children with ASD and...