Showing: 161-170 of 418 results

Building Healthy Relationships with Parents: What Every Camp Needs to Know

Today’s parents are supportive and dedicated to their children, but they are also the most anxious and controlling parents in American history. Successful camps have strategies in place for...

Twenty Tips for the 20-Something Supervisor

Being in that very first supervisory role is hard for everyone — regardless of age. For younger supervisors there are added challenges in building credibility and gaining the respect of others — it’s...

Counselor Success Kit

“It is not our abilities that determine who we are, it is our choices.” — Harry Potter Since 1861 when the first organized camp began, awesome people like you have given their time and talents to...

Tips for Lyme Disease Prevention at Camp

As staffers, parents and kids prepare for another memorable summer at camp, there is one important detail that must not escape our attention - doing everything possible to ensure that children are...

Statement of Compliance

American Camp Association Accreditation describes the operations of the programs and services by an owner/director. This may be sought by a camp operating on its own property, on the property...

Dealing with a Delicate Situation at Camp

Dear Bob, We are a coed resident camp. Our campers start at age seven or eight and often stay until age 15. One of our 15-year-old female campers, who is about to start her last year as a camper,...

Is There a Camp Movement in China?

China is interested in American summer camps. This should not be a surprise to anyone who has seen the increasing numbers of Chinese attending the American Camp Association or Tri-State conferences....

The Challenges of Chinese Camp Education

In the summer of 2015, we partnered with a talented group of Chinese educators called Initiate Development for Education and Service (IDEAS) to operate a resident camp and a day camp in China. The...

Transitional Objects — Creating Continuity with the Camp Experience

Are you taking this?” a friend asked, thrusting an old stuffed dog my way. “Of course!” I replied. Turning my life upside down by selling my house, getting married, and going on the road in an RV...

Sorry, Not Sorry

We've all been there. We're trying to help or referee some situation with kids, we're told a few things or parts of the story, and we think we know what happened, so we turn to the kid who we think...