Showing: 511-520 of 877 results

Sport Education: An Innovative Practice for Activities at Camp

It is 6:00 p.m. Campers and counselors eat a tailgate cookout dinner at the Trails End Camp field. Excitement is in the air, as kickoff for the championship game will occur in just over an hour....

To Give to ACA Is to Invest in Your Profession

A longtime supporter of the American Camp Association once told me that she gave to ACA because she viewed her yearly gift as "an investment in her profession." For years, I thought that "...

Homesickness - It Isn't Just for Campers

With technology, there is simply more to miss. Here are some tips on how to get through it. One of the more interesting challenges borne of this era of connectedness and technology is that camp...

In the Trenches — Telephone Roulette: When to Call Parents!

Dear Bob, Camps are in full swing now and I need some advice. We have had an incident where one young man grabbed another younger boy by the neck leaving a mark. I don’t know if it...

Research — Parents’ Perspectives on Resident Camp Experiences: Dimensions that Predict Retention, Word-of-Mouth Marketing, and Satisfaction

A primary challenge for any business is recruiting and maintaining customers. In 2012, 27.2 percent of camps surveyed reported camper enrollment that was lower or at its lowest point compared to the...

Building Principles: Hunting on Camp Property

You well know the liability associated with having guests on your site. Most times, invited guests have expectations about what their experience will entail and the level of risk they intend to...

Risk Management — OSHA: Baseline Compliance for Camps

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has regulations that pertain to employee safety and health on the job. Occasionally, the popular press contains news of a business slapped...

Ready, Set, Go: How Camp Prepares Children for Lives of Success

The middle and high school years are filled with challenges, change, and promise. Perhaps more than anything else, parents hope that their children will be prepared to be productive and successful...

Tried and True . . . and Hard to Do: Advancing Camp’s Original Mission Requires Better Precision, Not Better Packaging

Believers in organized youth camping regularly flirt with ways to repackage the experience. Although many feel this market-driven approach is necessary to boost registration, it causes mission...

Girls and Leadership

In this interview, auther Rachel Simmons speaks to Camping Magazine about creating intentional camp experiences centered on relationship building, asserting oneself, and taking risks.