Showing: 501-510 of 877 results

A Place to Share: Exploring the Magic of Summer Camp

Though the summers of my adulthood bear little resemblance to those of my youth, the season retains the alluring aura of possibility that accompanied it throughout those earlier years. Even when...

No Greater Investment: Changing Lives One by One

I would like to tell you a story about what it means to be a “finder” and a “funder.” At 12:00 p.m. the bell would ring to signal the start of my freshman world history class. John, Sam, and Tim...

The Invisible Link

Summer camp was initially established as a “back to nature” retreat for the children of wealthy New Englanders. It was a respite from the degradation of urban life. Over the years, with the help of...

Reaching Campers through Camps: A Conversation with UltraCamp

UltraCamp executives Dan Ashley and Jason Payne believe in the positive influence of camp on the lives of children, youth, and adults, and they are committed to spreading that influence to as many...

We Knew It All Along! Vagal Nerve Tone and Health and the Lifelong Benefits of Camp

We have all seen them — gaggles of teens walking together, each one looking at his or her own mobile phone screen; or couples out at dinner, one checking the e-mails on his Blackberry, the other...

Henderson County Young Leaders Program: A Page from Corporate America’s Executive Development Playbook

“Successful leadership is not about being tough or soft, sensitive or assertive, but about a set of attributes. First and foremost is character.” — Warren Bennis, American scholar, organizational...

Because I Worked at Camp

Now that the summer has come to a close, camp directors are inevitably thinking about the staff they want to invite back next season. If we as directors have created a strong camp community, one that...

Paying Enough and Training Right! A Snapshot of Salary, Benefits, and Professional Development Practices in Camps

Read the full article at   ...

Parent Study Suggests Strategies for Effective Use of Camp Research

The question is often asked, “So now that we have this research, how can I tell parents about it?” A fair question. Directors and camp administrators require action plans rather than theories and are...

Welcome to the Digital Cabin: How New Technologies Can Deliver a Better Summer Experience

Technology and camping? Hearing those two words together often sparks ire among camp management. “We don’t allow our kids to use techie toys!” you declare. Of course, unless you run a computer camp,...