Showing: 51-60 of 876 results

Keeping Camp Costs Budget-Friendly

Camp is a life-changing experience — one that’s possible for every child and every budget. Even though the experience is priceless, paying for it doesn’t have to be! “I’m a great believer that you...

No Greater Gift: A Grandmother’s Story

Last summer, my husband and I were designated to pick our grandson Corbin up at the end of his two weeks at Green River Preserve in North Carolina. We literally spent eight hours in the car with...

What I Did on My Summer Vacation

If you were looking for me in the middle of August, you wouldn’t have had a banana’s chance at a gorilla convention of finding me. I was incommunicado, far beyond any cell phone reception or Internet...

The Long-Lasting Benefits of Camp

Camp has become a part of the fabric of America — conjuring special memories of hiking, swimming, friendships, and adventure for generations. When children go to camp, they’ll likely come home...

Why Kids Flourish at Camp

Campers often describe camp as their “happy place” or “the best two weeks” of their year. And, from my own observation, I’ve seen that kids and the counselors who work with them are obviously happy...

Learning for Life

Camp is an experience that strengthens one’s life journey; it enables, reinforces, and facilitates one’s ability to learn for life. It is a process of risks and mistakes that are meaningful and...

What Is It about Camp Friendships?

I see it at every major life event — weddings, graduations, baptisms, bar mitzvahs, any time family and friends gather to celebrate a significant milestone — that huge smile and even bigger hug when...

The School-Camp Partnership: Working Together for a Brighter Future for Our Students

Let’s face it; our collective national education system has some issues. Some might even say it needs a complete overhaul. Teachers are often overextended and under-funded, and the resources...

Summer Camp Should Be Mandatory for a Child: It Changes Lives

Call it an emotional report card. It was one of those moments that give you a reality check on how your kid really feels about you deep down. I had just rounded the bend that led to her cabin...

The Great Education Debate: Camp Has A Place In Childhood Development

Education reform is big news right now. The push for a nationwide move to year-round school is gaining steam, and the rhetoric is increasing. The issue at the forefront of this debate is summer...