Showing: 251-260 of 876 results

2011 Eleanor Eells Award Winners: Leaders in Program Excellence

From biking programs to therapeutic camping programs, the 2011 Eleanor Eells Award winners certainly lived up to the criteria of “program excellence.” ACA interviewed the directors at each award-...

Locally Grown: How the T.T.T. Society Changes Lives Through Community and Connection

Even in today’s globalized world, many camps and youth-serving organizations still value local connections. While embracing technology to keep in touch with camp alumni or reach a broader audience,...

Camp: At the Crossroads of America’s Past and Future

If you have listened to the news lately, you’ve heard that folks are upset. A recent Wall Street Journal poll suggests that upward of 70 percent of Americans feel that the country is headed in the...

Asian Longhorned Beetle: A Threat to Our Forests

For most camp professionals, imagining a camp without trees would be hard to fathom. Especially since for the past century, you and other American Camp Association® (ACA) camp professionals have...

A Closer Look at Parents’ Worries and Children’s Anxiety as Risk Factors for Homesickness: Practical Strategies for Camp Staff and Families

Have you ever received multiple phone calls from a parent who is seeking reassurance that his or her child’s camp experience will go smoothly? Have you noticed parents or children who look worried...

Before You Give Your Campers Advice: Do This, Not That

Can you relate to this situation? Something happens that is upsetting, difficult, and/or problematic. You talk to a friend or your parents about it, and they offer rational, useful advice. Even...

Pedagogically Speaking - Part 2: Big Questions for Contemporary Educators

My kids wish they went to school in ancient China, during the Zhou Dynasty, which lasted roughly from 1050 BC to 250 BC. They would have been taught the Six Arts: rites, music, archery, charioteering...

Recruiting, Interviewing, and Hiring to Ensure the Best of the Best

Recruiting, interviewing, and hiring staff is the most important part of your job as a camp director. It is the single most time-consuming and, at times, tedious task you will undertake. However,...

From Peg - November 2010

Message discipline is difficult. Yet, in a complex association such as ACA, the demand for clarity is paramount. For an organization to grow, it must learn how to walk that thin line between chaos...

The Cycle of Camp

When I mention to people that I'm a Girl Scout, they give me the "once-over." You know, moving their eyes up and down my body, then adding; "Aren't you a little old to be a Girl Scout?" I'm thirty-...