Showing: 221-230 of 322 results

How to Measure Enrollment: Part Three

Hello camp evaluators! Welcome to Part 3 of my series on measuring enrollment. When I started this series, I believe I had in mind that it would be a single blog, but that blog extended into two and...

How to Measure Success

I used to be a camp director, which means that, like many of you, my summers were spent in the whirl of camp. Each day flew into the next, and never did a day pass without a crisis (or 30). After ten...

Let's Get Retrospective!

Think back to the start of summer—are there things you know now that you wish you knew then?

Program Quality Matters for Youth Development

Greetings camp evaluators! Congratulations on making it to the end (or very nearly the end) of your summer season. I am so excited to present the following guest post for this week’s Research 360...

Summer Camp: Moving along the Continuum of Inclusion

According to the National Center for Education Statistics (2016), 8.5 percent of school-aged children are receiving specialized education services, not including those students with specific learning...

2018 Business of Camp: Interesting Trends and Otherwise

Trends in camp business operations are altogether interesting and not interesting. Interesting because the business of camp is dynamic and evolving quickly to meet the demands of the 21st century,...

Factors That Influence Inclusion Practices

Hello! I hope everyone had a wonderful summer full of excitement and learning! I am new to the ACA Research 360 Blog and would like to introduce myself and share my story with you. My name is...

Virtually — and Simultaneously — Reaching Campers with Varying Abilities

Children’s Association for Maximum Potential’s (CAMP) mission is to strengthen and inspire individuals with special needs — and those who care for them — through recreation, respite, and education....

Celebrating Camp: New Research on the Similarities and Differences across Camp Types

This Research 360 blog post discusses a new study called Similarities and Differences in Summer Camps: A Mixed Methods Study of Lasting Outcomes and Program Elements.

Day Camp Innovation at Its Best

Many camp professionals have a lot of anxiety about running camp in summer 2021. The camp community is surviving by thinking outside the box. Join a panel of day camp professionals who were allowed...