Showing: 191-200 of 322 results

Supporting Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the Camp Environment

Camping and leisure activities are important for all of us, including individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This webinar will begin to identify the benefits of having children with ASD and...

Staff Workforce Development: What Helps and What Hinders It

Camp is a fantastic place for growth and development, not only of campers but young staff too. The skills they learn while working in this context prepare them for college, career, and life!

Calling All Camp Enthusiasts! A Special Issue of Camp Research Is Here

This blog is about a special double issue of the Journal of Youth Development focused entirely on camp research.

Camp Staff Safety in the Age of #MeToo

It is a story that has been unfolding for over a year: the exposure of often long-standing sexual abuse and harassment of both male and female victims by mostly men in various positions of power....

Introducing a New (and Free!) Friend: The Camp Program Quality Staff Checklist

Before I get started, I have a confession: I lied. I said in the title that in this post I was going to introduce you to a new friend, but that’s not entirely true. The Camp Program Quality Staff...

How to Measure Enrollment: Part One

Enrollment represents the number of campers we serve — but, as straightforward as that sounds, it’s not.

How to Measure Enrollment: Part Two

To truly understand if you are serving campers in the ways you hope, you need to look at enrollment from several different angles.

Program Outcomes at a Resident Camp for Youth with Serious Illnesses, Disabilities, and Life Challenges

In 2005, the American Camp Association (ACA) published the first large-scale national research project assessing the youth development outcomes of children who attend day and resident camps in the...

What to Know about Demographic Evaluation Questions and How to Make Them Count, Part 1

Wheewww! Summer is about over, if not over for most camps, which means that it's time to reflect on another eventful and exciting season. Along with a bit of a breather, this time of year brings lots...

"It's the Best Part of Camp": Camper Views on Smartphone Policies

As camp directors, we instinctually know that the experience is much better without smartphones and technology, but what do the campers themselves think?