Showing: 171-180 of 322 results

New Data on Staff, Compensation, and Benefits: How Does Your Camp Compare?

Here's a snapshot of new data we collected from ACA camps about all things staff-related.

Sample Size: What It Is and What It Is Not

In the latest Research 360 blog post, ACA's Director of Research Dr. Laurie Browne explore the concept of sample size and how to use that understanding to better interpret survey findings.

Results of the 2019 Spring Snapshot Survey

In the latest Research 360 blog, Director of Research Dr. Laurie Browne shares the results of 2019 Spring Snapshot Survey. The purpose of the survey was to gain insight into summer camp spring...

The Future of Camp Research

In this blog, Jessie Dickerson describes how camp researchers and camp professionals came together at the 2019 ACA National Conference to envision a future for camp research.

Program Quality at Camp: An Interview with the Director of Mountain Camp

What is program quality at summer camp? Is it really worth it? ACA research assistant Rob Warner shares some highlights from his interview with Don Whipple from Mountain Camp.

Children at Summer Camp: Researchers Delve into Parent Anxiety and What to Do about It

When Bridget Trogden and her husband sent their son, Jacob, to camp last month, she was understandably nervous about sending her 12-year old to an overnight program. The week-long residential...

A Better Way to Get Useful Feedback from Parents and Caregivers, Part 2

‘Tis the season of parents (and caregivers, and other adults-connected-to-children with whom you as a camp professional interact). You’ve likely dealt with parents and caregivers just about every day...

Giving Constructive Feedback to Sensitive Staff Members Without Them Hating You

Ever had staff tell you they want more feedback and then when you give it, especially if it’s negative, their feelings get hurt? CampCode podcast hosts Gab, Beth, and Ruby tackle one of the hardest...

National Conference Takeaways for Practitioners, Researchers, and Everyone in Between

In the latest Research 360 blog post, ACA Research Assistant Victoria Povilaitis shares highlights from several research sessions that were held at the ACA National Conference

Summer Camp: A Unique Environment for Social and Emotional Learning

As an education research organization affiliated with the Graduate School of Education at Stanford University, we thought it was an exciting opportunity to investigate camp as a unique learning...