Showing: 91-100 of 153 results

Marketing Your Camp – Finding the Balance

Introduction The lifeblood of your camp is your campers. Consequently, it is vital to the success of your camp that you deliver the message that yours is a special place for campers to learn, grow,...

Understanding Seasonal Exemptions

Fact Sheet #18: Section 13(a)(3) Exemption for Seasonal Amusement or Recreational Establishments Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) The FLSA requires that most employees in...

Running a Camp Can Drive Anyone Batty! Public Relations Issues . . . Are You Prepared?

How many of us have gotten a phone call midsummer that starts like this . . . "Hi . . . I just wanted to call and let you know that my daughter had a wonderful time at camp BUT . . . ." As camp...

Releases Revisited

Introduction We continue to receive more questions on the subject of releases than any other. Clearly, releases and their use and limitations are topics that deserve continuing attention and...

Personal Flotation Devices: Picking the Right One

Personal Flotation Devices, better known as PFDs, help save lives. There is so much evidence of this that the U.S. Coast Guard; almost every state (go to...

Lightning Safety Outdoors

The capricious nature of thunderstorms makes them extremely dangerous; however, following proven lightning safety guidelines can reduce your risk of injury or death. You are ultimately responsible...

American Camp Association Immunization Recommendations for International Staff

While international staff members provide a valuable contribution and enhance the camp experience, they also can unwittingly introduce a foreign illness into the camp community. And because camp is a...

Standards — Friend or Foe?

A standard, according to Merriam-Webster, is "something set up and established by authority as a rule for the measure of quantity, weight, extent, value or quality." (Merriam-Webster Collegiate...

Pandemic Preparedness: How Concerned Should Camps Be?

The threat of an Avian (Bird) Flu human pandemic has caused many camp professionals moments of concern. Both West Nile Virus and SARS conditioned us to taking note of threats posed by communicable...

A Picture's Worth: Issues on Permission to Photograph Campers and Appropriately Using Those Photos

Do you own the copyright to photos you are using to recruit campers and staff? Are you using photos on the Web? Do you have permission from parents/guardians to photograph and use...