Showing: 71-80 of 153 results

Reasonable Supervision and the "Safe" Environment: What Are the Issues?

Message From the American Camp Association Kids want action! Excitement! Cool activities! New stuff! Parents want safety. They want kids to have fun, but they also expect you to deliver EVERYTHING...

Preserving Major Assets for Future Generations

Just as many camps are celebrating their 100th anniversaries with growing equity in real estate and capital fund/endowment accounts, our industry is also facing the consequences of a legal system...

American Canoe Association Releases Safety Report

The American Canoe Association has released Critical Judgment, Understanding and Preventing Canoe and Kayak Fatalities, a report examining canoe- and kayak-related fatalities over the five-year...

Camps and Title III of the Americans With Disabilities Act

Laws and regulations create a variety of risks for camp directors to manage. The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) presents an interesting risk management challenge. The Act was passed in 1990 to...

Administering Emergency Prescription Drugs: Legal Implications and Policy Considerations

Medical emergencies that require immediate life-saving prescription drugs to be administered by a nonlicensed professional create unique problems for camps. Some medical emergencies (like...

Playground Safety

Each year, more than 200,000 children visit hospital emergency rooms because of playground injuries. Approximately fifteen children die each year as a result of playground equipment-related incidents...

Department of Labor Issues Final Ruling Revising White Collar Exemptions

On April 20, the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued final rules revising the definitions of who is exempt from the minimum wage and overtime provisions of the Fair...

Nightmare #97: Who’s Running Your Challenge Course?

More and more camps are incorporating challenge courses into their activities offered to campers. As a tool for group development, personal development, and some good plain fun, the challenge course...

CPSC Issues New Safety Warning for Paintball Guns

Based on its investigation of two deaths caused by carbon dioxide (CO2) canisters flying off paintball guns, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is issuing a new warning. Paintball gun...

AEDs in Camps

Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) are portable units used to electrically stimulate the heart during cardiac arrest. In the camp environment, cardiac arrest usually involves older staff, older...