Coffee and Chat with Emerging Professionals in Camping (EPIC)


December 19, 2023
11:00 am – 12:00 pm ET


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December Meetup - Hosted by the ACA Eastern Region

Join EPIC for our first virtual Coffee and Chat Meetup. Our focus this month is Self-care at Camp. Come ready to chat about strategies, ideas, and create your plan for improved self-care. This event is for emerging professionals to connect with peers, ask questions, and learn from each other. 

Who is a part of EPIC? Read our EPIC Page! In short, anyone emerging in the camping field is welcome—no age limits. While ACA membership is encouraged, it's not a requirement for attending our Coffee and Chat Meetups.

What is Coffee and Chat? Spend time meeting peers across the industry who are looking for the same resources and strategy solving you are. Come ready to learn and share your ideas via Zoom. 

Is this just for the Eastern Region? No! Everyone in the camping industry who identifies as EPIC is invited, regardless of their location.