Ohio Day Camp Connection Virtual Cluster Meeting


February 22, 2024
10:30 am – 11:45 am ET





ACA Ohio Day Camp Cluster meeting for January - April 2024! 

January and March meetings are hybrid and include in-person and virtual while February and April meetings are all virtual. 

These meeting offer you opportunity to:

Connect, Learn, and Grow Together: This is your chance to mingle, exchange experiences, and learn from each other in a lively and supportive atmosphere.

Preparation for an Even Better Next Summer: Get all your burning questions answered, gather fresh ideas, and gain insights that will make your next summer camp season the best one yet!

February Topic: TBD

Have Questions? Reach out to our friendly organizers, Marci Hasty, at mhasty@ymcacolumbus.org, or Nick Pangio at Pangio.3@osu.edu and they will be thrilled to assist!

Mark your calendar and invite other day camp professionals to join!. We can't wait to see you in-person or online!