Camps Like Mine Conversations - January


January 18, 2024
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm ET


Two Campers with Candles Smiling



Camps Like Mine Conversations

American Camp Association (ACA) is excited to launch a series of conversations to build connections among camp professionals at similar types of camps.   Are you facing challenges that feel unique to your type of camp and would love to connect with others in the same scenario? Perhaps you ….

  • Work at a camp that is part of a zoo, museum, or other location where camp is just a PART of what you do daily?
  • Work with vendors to manage a portion of your program?
  • Are navigating managing your camp while existing as part of a large agency (YMCA, Girl Scouts, CampFire, etc.)?
  • Thinking through different policies related to your trip and travel programs?
  • Have staffing issues that are unique to your camp model?

These conversations are for you!

In these conversations, participants will be divided into break-out groups with peers in the same type of camp for small-group facilitated discussions. Categories of camp types will vary based on the participants attending, such as day camps, overnights, faith-based, not-for-profit, K-12 campus, trip and travel, etc. Please come prepared to be on camera and ready to engage in discussion.


JANUARY CONVERSATION: Looking ahead to Summer 2024: What lessons did you learn from Summer 2023? What challenges are you still working on that would be helpful to talk through with your peers? What were your moments of success others can benefit from?