Showing: 1-10 of 34 results

The Edge: The View Ahead

At my camp we have a special ceremony for the campers who will be aging out of the camp program. Many of those campers have been attending Camp Broadstone for the past six years, and the thoughts of...

Great Things Have Small Beginnings

In 1861, Frederick W. Gunn and his wife, Abigail, took their students on a two-week summer camping trip. The very popular program was repeated for the next several years — a small thing that is...

On Being a Mentor

Two of my professional mentors recently passed away after horrific battles with cancer. Their funerals gave me pause to reflect on the deeply profound impact they each had on who I am today, both...

Enter The 2024 Golden Lens Contest

The J. Wendell and Ruth T. Howe  Golden Lens Awards photography contest.

Succession Planning: Raising Up the Next Generation of Leaders

What will this industry look like in twenty years? That depends on us. That's right; don't look over your shoulder to see who else is going to step up. As leaders of youth, we know that we shape the...

How the American Camp Association Has Evolved Through Certain Crisis

Crises are not new to camps or to the camp movement. Two world wars, the Great Depression of the early 1930s, and a polio epidemic all tested the viability of camps and their camp association. Each...

In the Care of Other People’s Children, Part 1: Things Every Camp Should Start Doing Now

Over the last 30 years, I have not only been a camp director and owner but have also worked in the role of providing professional risk management education within the camp, youth development, and...

Developing a Business Plan for Your Camp

Whether you are just starting a camp, looking for new investors in your operation, or looking for a loan to improve facilities at an existing camp, a well-thought-out business plan can be an...

The Pressure of Camp

The positive pressure one experiences at camp is something rare and hypnotizing. Friends at home call what you are doing a summer holiday, but you know the work is tough and comes with daily...

Pedagogically Speaking - Part 1: How Schools Talk about What Camps Do

Clinging to the position that camp is different and unique will isolate us unless we can speak intelligently about how camp is an essential complement to what young people do for the other ten or 11...